By farrahfarrest_ - 02/07/2009 19:49 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor. I told her I felt down all the time. She asked me a few questions and she told me I was depressed. She suggested to go home and find the sources of my depression. When I told my parents, they started laughing and said "Yeah, right." I think I found my source. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 674
You deserved it 3 827

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ghost_light 0

To those who are falsely equating depression with being emo: **** you. Despression is a legitimate illness that can be as debilitating and painful as any other, and you should hope that you never find yourself drowning in it. It is NOT simply a "state of mind" and cannot be alleviated just by merely wishing it away; for many it takes years of therapy and sometimes medication to finally get out of it. Seriously--cut the ignorance and pick up a book.

hellobananas 0

Sometimes parents think it's "just a phase" and that the kid'll get over it. That doesn't mean they should laugh though. If you said the doctor told you you were depressed, then FML. If you just left that part out, then it's more of a YDI. Either way, sorry bout that. Being depressed sucks, and if your rental units don't even know or care... I've been there.


car6435 0

no joke. who ever says YDI is retarded and plain rude. depression isnt as easy to get over. plus if it is coming from your own parents. its real bad. but it will get better. to those talking trash. its not helping and it can lead to alot worse situations. something like this happened near me and worst came to worst. but remember life has twists and turns good times and bad times. remember this

"Feeling down all the time" is not a symptom of clinical depression.

max's gf's second album, first picture.

a lot of people have a lot of suggestions. but only you know yourself. check out if anyone wants more info. only you and your dr can tell you whether medication is right for you and ultimately its up to you. therapy is always a good start. there are many causes for depression and its not just something you can "get over" if its a chemical imbalance. nobody goes and tells a diabetic to stop taking insulin and **** their dr. if its a chemical imbalance its not something you'll get over. don't be so ignorant.

actually, yes, it is. do some research before stating what you think are facts.

my last comment was directed at #74... i want to add that everyone up here talking shit and down-playing OP's depression are the reason why it's hard for people who are truly suffering to be taken seriously. it's people like you who make people who really do have depression feel even worse about themselves, thinking they are just being selfish for wanting help. why are you so angry? maybe you have issues you need to face yourself before you go around telling others whether or not the things they are feeling are 'normal'.

yep! and mine do it too and even when I grew out of my Teens!

jdawg777 0

I hate parents like that. When i told my parents i thought i had adhd they just laughed at me. It really sucks when they dont you seriously..

The OP's parents remind me of how my parents are with my sister, they don't take my sister's depression seriously and just say to "get over it" or something of the sort. :(