By farrahfarrest_ - 02/07/2009 19:49 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor. I told her I felt down all the time. She asked me a few questions and she told me I was depressed. She suggested to go home and find the sources of my depression. When I told my parents, they started laughing and said "Yeah, right." I think I found my source. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 674
You deserved it 3 827

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ghost_light 0

To those who are falsely equating depression with being emo: **** you. Despression is a legitimate illness that can be as debilitating and painful as any other, and you should hope that you never find yourself drowning in it. It is NOT simply a "state of mind" and cannot be alleviated just by merely wishing it away; for many it takes years of therapy and sometimes medication to finally get out of it. Seriously--cut the ignorance and pick up a book.

hellobananas 0

Sometimes parents think it's "just a phase" and that the kid'll get over it. That doesn't mean they should laugh though. If you said the doctor told you you were depressed, then FML. If you just left that part out, then it's more of a YDI. Either way, sorry bout that. Being depressed sucks, and if your rental units don't even know or care... I've been there.


Don't blame you parents. I bet if you started going to the gym an hour every day you would feel less depressed. Physical exercise is a great anti depressant

triplethreat13 0

holy crap, i have been depressed a few times for long periods of time, and my source is almost always my mother. spend less time with your parents.

kdodoubleg 0

My parents did that to me too. They still do. 15 years later.

My parents are the same way. My mom will come in while I'm napping and jokingly ask if I'm depressed. If I say I'm down they blame my husband for beating me (he has never raised a hand to me). It's a shitty cycle, but at least you've identified the problem. Just brush off what your parents say to you and remember that you're better than that. Best of luck to you

Oatmon 0

And now the healing can start... Maybe...

wildchildxx7 0

my parents literally just said that every time i try to tell them i need help they tell me im just a whiny teenager what the **** can i do

3P0N1N3 0

Depression is a chemical imbalance. If you're looking for a cause try therapy

Don't worry. Whenever you're feeling down, the doctor's always there to feel you up.

Akromo 0

Speak your mind, but please try and be respectful. Boy, how I wished people would read this...XD

emo does not equal depression. I'm a freaking cheerleader and part of the dumb 'party crew' at our school that everyone tries to get into and everyone thinks i have the perfect life but i suffer from depression. and anxiety. Noone will believe me either. and since i'm in high school and cant pay for my own insurance, i went to my whole family, who said i was full of shit and dramatic. except for my lovely mom. she pulled me aside and suggested i start sleeping around because when she was my age their adoration helped her feel good about herself. she told me to be a ****. depression isnt a joke. i realized i had it when i realized that i didnt take any joy in absolutely anything. i didnt think anything was stupid, or 'conformist', like emo kids. everything just made me ******* sad. This sounds super dumb but i read romance novels. the more modern ones are alot of times funny and have very happy endings and even give me some hope. I dont know why. Just food for thought. I guess it lets me escape my shitty home life and fantisize about actually finding that horribly cliched 'true love'. Hang in there, and DONT commit suicide. My cousin (who was depressed also) and i joked about suicide, saying it would be so great to not feel anything. To be done with our horrible family. He hung himself two days before he graduated college. it was the most horrible experience of my life, seeing his family at the funeral balling there eyes out.

Now that's wishful thinking. But I agree with you 110%.