By farrahfarrest_ - 02/07/2009 19:49 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor. I told her I felt down all the time. She asked me a few questions and she told me I was depressed. She suggested to go home and find the sources of my depression. When I told my parents, they started laughing and said "Yeah, right." I think I found my source. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 674
You deserved it 3 827

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ghost_light 0

To those who are falsely equating depression with being emo: **** you. Despression is a legitimate illness that can be as debilitating and painful as any other, and you should hope that you never find yourself drowning in it. It is NOT simply a "state of mind" and cannot be alleviated just by merely wishing it away; for many it takes years of therapy and sometimes medication to finally get out of it. Seriously--cut the ignorance and pick up a book.

hellobananas 0

Sometimes parents think it's "just a phase" and that the kid'll get over it. That doesn't mean they should laugh though. If you said the doctor told you you were depressed, then FML. If you just left that part out, then it's more of a YDI. Either way, sorry bout that. Being depressed sucks, and if your rental units don't even know or care... I've been there.


brrrx 0

Depression isn't caused by unsupportive parents. Depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain, and it is hypothesized that it is a specific virus is involved in stripping the brain of its seratonin, and incapacitating the body's ability to produce more. SO. Your parents are not the "source" of your depression. Nice try though.

jewelzgalore 0

Prozac works for my orchestra teacher! Sorry you don't have enough seratonin :(

Caayouteepie 0

at least ur parents are home...

Yo, #1 Get a life. Find something else to do other than to scan other people's stories and find flaws in them. Seriously, jeez. And the for the OP, nicely worded.

big_rob1 0

depression and other related illnesses can be controlled to an extent. it's sort of a mental game. you have to tell yourself that you have power over your illness and the negative thoughts that come with it. tell yourself you can control it and you may find that you can. this worked for me to an extent. the general "down" feeling is still there, but it is not dominating or overwhelming. i dont know if this will help you as much as it did for me, but hey, its worth a try.

why didn't i think about that? shit so i just need to think happy thoughts and i'll be chipper and bouncy? so the 6 meds a day, multiple trips to the ER, and a total of 5 weeks in a crisis house wasn't needed? damn someone conned me.

Stevieebabyy 0

I feel your pain. My parents suck, too.

happyvalleygirl 0

You're a teenager. All of you feel down. Move out when you go to college and everything will turn around.

laurisshnazzy 0

******* teenagers have no appreciation for life whatsoever. Your parents are giving you shelter and food and obviously care about you enough to send you to the doctor if something is wrong. There are tons of people out there with bigger problems and as a teenager, life always seems ten times worse than it is, especially where parents are concerned. Take a step back and realize what you truly have in your life, then see if you're still depressed. As the daughter of a woman with actual depression, it's more than just "feeling down." There are a lot of physical and mental side effects that make me feel like you don't even know what real depression is. For the record, I'm not trying to belittle you. It sucks to FEEL depressed and not get support for it; on the other hand, however, taking a real look at the world around you really puts things in perspective. I hope you feel better, OP.