It's PC gone mad

By Anonymous - 03/12/2023 13:00

Today, I received a written warning at work for being "unacceptably rude" to an official visitor. I guess fetching the fire hose because the building was actively on fire wasn’t a valid excuse for yelling at the dozy cow stood blocking the door to “move out the fucking way.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 727
You deserved it 151

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maybe just "move out of the way"? It was probably the cursing that got you written up

Next time it happens, take your time. Be as polite as possible. Let the building burn down, if that's what they want. FYL


maybe just "move out of the way"? It was probably the cursing that got you written up

Next time it happens, take your time. Be as polite as possible. Let the building burn down, if that's what they want. FYL

I feel like “move!” would have been sufficient.

Couldn't you just politely ask her to go out of the way? Maybe she was stressed and didn't understand what is going on? doing the right thing is not an excuse to be rude to others.

Next time just send an email to the fire department, like a professional.

Wow, everyone getting on OP's case... the building was on fire. Ever heard of a "heat of the moment stressful situation?" I'd say that applies. So some profanity slipped out in a frightening scenario. Big whoop. They're only human. Also, I now have the song "move bitch, get out the way" stuck in my head.