By bad surprise - 26/01/2009 21:45 - United States

Today, I went to surprise my boyfriend in the shower. I opened the door and there was a giant shit in the toilet. I pretended I was looking for my hairbrush. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 247
You deserved it 7 550

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LOL but i thought that's why people DO use toilets?


infantrygirl 0

Umm... toilets don't use hot water. They use cold. Flushing the toilet would make it get hot faster. FYI. (If you don't believe me, have someone flush a toilet while you're in the shower. It'll get wicked hot for a while.)

LOL but i thought that's why people DO use toilets?

jbo_fml 0

My husband does that at least twice a week. I hate it!!

#3 is right but I still never flush toilet while shower is on. Grade A "sneak a shit while she thinks ur in the shower" move gone wrong

wanderingidiot 0
xoprettystars 0

calm down its not a big deal, my boyfriend asks me to look at his shit sometimes. yeah, its gross. you get used to it. lol