Face your demons

By corleon198425 - 13/11/2020 20:08

Today, I finally got a job after months of searching due to Covid. The bad news? It's cleaning dog kennels. I have an extreme fear of animal poop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 697
You deserved it 555

Same thing different taste

Top comments

>Job listing includes doing something you have an extreme fear of. >Apply to job. >Have to do that thing you fear. >Pikachu face.

Sounds like a shitty situation. Look it as free therapy to overcome your irrational fear of animal poop. Desensitization Therapy is expensive! First, they have to find a therapist who can accept your phobia with a straight face...


rlk88172020 5

Sounds like a shitty situation. Look it as free therapy to overcome your irrational fear of animal poop. Desensitization Therapy is expensive! First, they have to find a therapist who can accept your phobia with a straight face...

>Job listing includes doing something you have an extreme fear of. >Apply to job. >Have to do that thing you fear. >Pikachu face.

That sucks, good on on you for doing what needs to be done. Just don't get stuck there, and plan your next step.

MexicanPB1 2

work is work. that's why you applied.

So this was like a blind date, but with a job? Or did someone apply on your behalf without telling you?

Why did you apply at a place where that was a possibility if you're afraid of it? At this point, having any job is good. Just breathe through your mouth and think happy thoughts.