By jrad - 08/09/2010 19:23 - United States

Today, I went to move my dog that had been napping in the middle of my bed for the last few hours, only to discover that he wasn't napping. He died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 829
You deserved it 3 547

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kingsrock916 0

Anyone who votes you deserved it deserves to be castrated and shot in the head. Or hung from a tree. But yeah, that totally sucks :(


I'm sorry OP. :[ It's so hard to lose a pet.

pster03 0

if by lufe you mean life...then you're still wrong. because that's Death.

no it's death for the pet.. it's life for op. so he was right :)

strawberryhtty 0

ur an idiot for posting a stupid remark.

Well people can have their own opinions and likes and dislikes. I don't see anything wrong with that. Now granted, it would have been nicer if he said something with the "I hate dogs" to show that he had sympathy, but I see nothing wrong with him hating dogs. I personally hate cats. Ahaha ****** in the ass by dogs. Doggie style. Lmao

Ricky83 0

damn that sucks that happened to me a few years ago.

Omg, that's so sad! my heart dropped when I read this :/

VenusianMizu 0