Alas, poor Donatello

By randomsamm - 17/10/2019 04:00 - United States - Birmingham

Today, I bought a turtle after wanting one for years. I was told that he was scared, so he would be put in a box for me to take home. It wasn't until I got to my car that I noticed that they sold me a dead turtle. I'm not getting a refund because they claimed I killed it in less than 5 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 983
You deserved it 221

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's kicked the bucket. He's pushing up daisies. He's gone to meet his maker. This is an EX-turtle!

GreenNAngry 2

wow, this beyond sucks. poor turtle :( I feel like there could be a lawsuit somewhere in there... but even if not, maybe you could ask for a replacement turtle?


GreenNAngry 2

wow, this beyond sucks. poor turtle :( I feel like there could be a lawsuit somewhere in there... but even if not, maybe you could ask for a replacement turtle?

Sara Niemantsverdriet 12

He's kicked the bucket. He's pushing up daisies. He's gone to meet his maker. This is an EX-turtle!

No, no, 'e's just tired and shagged out after a prolonged run about 'is box!

Usually a pet shop will have a two-day 'warranty' on a pet. That if it does pass away you'll get a refund. Especially if you got in your car to look and it was dead. Can also say you'll call your credit card company for a charge back. Having that on the stores record can make dings on the owner for selling bad items and the owner will have to pay back either way. Sorry OP.

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

So you picked a dead one? I'm sure you get to pick which one you want

ALWAYS look at an animal and make sure its moving before paying and leaving with it.

Apparently I'm one of the minority but I gave it a YDI because you bought a grab bag pet. Seriously this is like buying a car and not seeing the car before they hand you the keys. He's scared so we're going to put him in this box and you can't see him raises a serious amount of red flags.

Hindsight is 20/20. You have to learn this stuff somewhere.