By Gbeat411 - 25/06/2010 05:09 - United States

Today, I went to boxing and this hot chick asked me if I was wearing a sports cup. I replied yes, when I wasn't. I thought she was going to check with her hand and feel. She checked with her knee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 005
You deserved it 71 238

Same thing different taste


why would she just feel you? that's ******. you're ****** for thinking shed touch your sac.

lonely3mo 0

YDI for 2 reasons. 1 you're not wearing a cup. 2 you're taking boxing instead of MMA classes. that happened to me 1 time, she tried to kick, and i had her in a heelhook in 3 seconds. that's how i met my last girlfriend.

superbadd is hot lol but yea ur a dumbass

if the guy was hot i probably woulda checked with my hand ;) jk at least you tried?lol

charles_247 0

OP, you must think every hot girl you meet is a *****.

gothic_angel_13 0

what the hell you little sick ass. y wuld u expect a girl to do that you pervert. if that was me i wuld've kicked you....with high heels -_-