By poormom - 27/06/2009 04:05 - United States

Today, I told to my son that I'm pregnant. After I'd told him, he looked up and yelled, "Fuck this shit!" and walked out of the room. My son is nine years-old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 081
You deserved it 28 903

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shock98 0

apparently he doesn't want you to have another kid.


sarahlovesebay 0

I would be washing his dirty mouth with some nasty tasting soap!

rustyrox 0

I think you need to teach your son to show some respect and how that attitude and language will not have any thing positive from it. Time to regulate!

oogyboogy 6

You all must be kidding I new swear words when I was about 7 from school hats where all kids hear them

I actually think that this was hilarious.... I probably would have just laughed in his face. Or told him "This is why I'm going to like your new brother/sister better than you. They know some manners."

Your kid is right. It's ridiculous for people to have a bunch of kids, Mrs. Pregnant Again. Keep 'em closed. Babies aren't good for the economy.

hahaha that's ******* awesome your kid is sweet

craphappens92 0