People don't always get sarcasm

By Martin - 15/03/2021 17:00

Today, my son asked if there was a way to make parenting easier. I sarcastically told him he could be a deadbeat who sees his kid every two weeks. He must have thought I was serious because he broke up with his girlfriend and baby, turned up at my door expecting to have his old room, and told my wife it was my idea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 756
You deserved it 1 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I mean.. I get you were being sarcastic, but if he's old enough to have kids (I assume he's in his 20's), how do you not know your kid is an idiot?

Preach! If I had a nickel for every time someone took my sarcastic remark seriously, ... I'd have tens of dollars, maybe even $100. Luckily for me, the consequences of these confusions are nasty notes and not having to house a parasite.


Such a pleasant influencer you are...

Preach! If I had a nickel for every time someone took my sarcastic remark seriously, ... I'd have tens of dollars, maybe even $100. Luckily for me, the consequences of these confusions are nasty notes and not having to house a parasite.

I would be a millionaire several times over. I need smarter friends. Lol

There are 20 nickels in a dollar. Do the math. It's unlikely you'd make 20 million remarks in your lifetime.

I mean.. I get you were being sarcastic, but if he's old enough to have kids (I assume he's in his 20's), how do you not know your kid is an idiot?

Because of doing the smart thing, he left his family and thought living back home with mom amd dad was a good idea

Just a thought, maybe when a loved one has a serious life question, take them seriously. Maybe not

While I agree generally, “How do I parent easier” shouldn’t be one of those. It’s pretty well known that parenting is hard, so any response that actually makes it “easier” should be taken with a grain of salt.

It takes an idiot to raise an idiot. I hope you sorted him out.