By Mylifesintatterssendhelp - 12/11/2018 03:00

Today, I went to a tattoo artist to get what I thought would be really cute, elegant finger tattoos. I left with wobbly, blobby messes all over my fingers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 492
You deserved it 2 732

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, did you FIRST check the quality of the artist's work on other customers' fingers? Obviously not. YDI....

This is why I wear the designs I like on T-shirts.


OP, did you FIRST check the quality of the artist's work on other customers' fingers? Obviously not. YDI....

This is why I wear the designs I like on T-shirts.

sherbear86 21

Were they bad tattoo-ers or were you flinching and moving. We need to know who’s sucks.

Which one of you was drunk and had the shaky hands? Luckily, the mistake will fade away in a few weeks. Wait, did you say tattoo? You’ll be dealing with that crap for the rest of you life. Way to go, Einstein!

Actually, finger tattoos fade fairly quickly unlike tattoos on most any other part of the body.

Fingers never struck me as the best place to have tattoos to begin with.

finger tattoos dont last that long. they fade and you can always have them bled out.

Nhayaa 21

Fingers are the worst. They're small, not flat and the skin is very thin... the ink doesn't stick in and it's hard to draw nice lines. So I guess it's an FML but YDI, kinda. You should have checked his work first. I hope for you it's not tattoed too deep so the ink will fade away eventually...

alienblair 4

I mean, it sounds like you should've done more research on finger tattoos and the artist, but it is shitty that the artist didn't turn you away. Some of the best artists I know refuse to do finger tattoos - they're hard to do, super visible, and even if they do an amazing job, they end up turning to shit (or disappearing) within a couple years unless you're super lucky.

XUDT72 24

I have never heard of an elegant finger tattoo...

Right???? That's like saying "it was a respectful & classy neck tattoo."

You have to look at their past work and reviews first.