By caseyj - 25/03/2011 05:50 - United States

Today, I went to a birthday party. A half hour in, a girl started showing me pictures of her cat. That was the high point of the night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 143
You deserved it 4 760

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cue to the "she showed you pictures of her pussy??!" jokes -_-'

I wish that girls at the parties I go to would whip out their phones and show me their *******... It's a shame I don't party with crazy cat ladies.


Cats are cute, you are lucky to have seen those pictures.

They have kool-aid? This party is off the hook!

I heart ugly cats. Ugly dogs not so much...

pictures of her pussy cat? aww was it hairy or shaved pussy?

Sabbath180 0

How did this even make it to the front page?

you not think of just getting shit faced?? lol

riddence 0

Here i thought people from Kansas had sex with animals? whouda thought theyd just have pictures of them

So you attended a crap birthday party, who gives a shit! How is this a FML?! :(