By NotRetarded - 11/04/2009 02:37 - United States

Today, I went to a friend's sweet sixteen. Since I didn't know any else at the party I was really happy when the mother told me she sat me next to someone she thought I would have a lot in common with. He ended up being mentally challenged and talked to a sock puppet the whole party. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 136
You deserved it 3 867

Same thing different taste

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#3 was clearly the one sitting next to the OP.

Sock puppets are quite talkative... Esp ones with googly eyes


Wow, that could be very uncomfortable. I hope you talked to the sock puppet too. It sounds like fun. FYL because the mom thinks you have a lot in common with a retard.

Well, that's not an insulting comment. Why must everyone use derogatory terms on this site? Yeah, i use the word retarded, but not towards people with actual disabilities. I support the mentally challenged. Notice the wording I used

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Snowstar 0

Don't say that. People use that word to describe people who are just plain dumb; The mentally challenged can't help it.

i dont feel for people who i dont know. like that tsunami that killed lots of people. i dont know any of them why should i give a ****?

Awww, look! #66 doesn't have a soul! And FYI, by using YOUR standards, nobody cares about who the president/prime minister of the country is because you 'don't know them'

What's wrong with having things in common with a mentally challenged person? Asshole

Inspired22 11

Did you have two people you were sitting next to, or just one? I'm sorry!

Sock puppets are quite talkative... Esp ones with googly eyes

I agree, why, my sock puppet is sitting beside at this very moment!

Haha, #3 is right! Gotta love those googly eyes! XD

#3 was clearly the one sitting next to the OP.

who was she referring to? the sock or the mentally challenged dude

BJ_fml 0

The woman obviously thinks very highly of you :|