Happy New Year to all the cats out there

By HappyNewYearsToMeAndMyCat - 01/01/2015 05:25 - Canada - Victoria

Today, I'm celebrating New Year's with my cat. I made her a cake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 268
You deserved it 6 880

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't see the problem here. You got to avoid drunk douche bags and you spent the holiday with a loyal friend. And you got cake!


JMichael 25

If OP doesn't mind sharing the cake I'll come spend it with her.

xninix_fml 36

That's such an overused pun :/. Op I'm sorry you didn't have anyone to celebrate with other than your cat :(.

WearingHats 14
thefirstwhiteboy 17

AAAWWWWWW that's cute and a little sad at the same time

I can think of worse ways! I'm sure she loves you for it.

I don't see the problem here. You got to avoid drunk douche bags and you spent the holiday with a loyal friend. And you got cake!

I agree completely. That's sounds like a great way to spend New Years.

Won't lie, so did I, and a bunch of my friends were over too

I made cupcakes for my cat too, but at least we have our priorities in check

challan 19

if they are chocolate, I'll share with your pussy.