By Anonymous - 24/11/2010 07:35 - Singapore

Today, I went shopping with my parents. Halfway through, I got separated from them and tried to call them only to find out my cell phone battery was flat. A few minutes later, an announcement was made for a lost child. It was by my parents. I'm 36. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 161
You deserved it 5 212

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SunshineBoy21 0

This is not an FML honey, we thought we lost you and feared the worst. You may be 36 but, you'll always be our baby! We love you!

surferchick96 0

i cant think of anything else to say.... penis. who said that???


Haha aw :) At least the loud speaker didn't announce your age with your name. Its only embarrassing to you because you know youre not a child. No one else knew any different. Still made for a funny story hehe

someone 36 should be responsible enough to keep their phone charged up. Live with the consequences.

lucky you if I got seperated from my mom at the store she wouldn't care

Now, young man, you know you should NEVER, no matter what age, wander off from your parents. You hear?

are u seriously on the left of ur pic

jtini001 4
WhiiT3TiGeR 0

Buy an air pump and blow that battery back up !

I'm just picturing an old lady running round the shop all distraught, wailing "have you seen my son? oh my poor baby, he's miiiiissing!" and then the looks on the faces of the staff when a 36 year old man strolls up, and gets in trouble for wandering off! haha oh the things that amuse me! :p