Losing streak

By Anonymous - 24/11/2010 07:10 - United States

Today, I went to the bank to get a temporary debit card, since I lost my wallet a week ago. On my drive across the street from the bank to the DMV, a car slammed into mine at the intersection, nearly totaling my car. The movie theater I went to last week just called and said they'd found my wallet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 715
You deserved it 3 599

Same thing different taste

Top comments

surferchick96 0

and your worried about ur wallet after u killed ur car? somebody has priority problems...


How did the movie theater have ur phone number..?

SunshineBoy21 0

Maybe the movie theater specialized in 'Stalker' films.

#11 they have an auto dialler with everybody's number right next to the popcorn machine. op surely you have insurance, I'm so paranoid I have individually insured each part of my body and every item on my possesion.

iSitt 0

I wonder if accidents are more frequent near the DMV

so you where in a car accident and you had no ID and no drivers license? that would send you to jail in my country

yusaku02 20

#48 I wish they would send people in my country to jail if they didn't know the difference between where and were

'a car slammed into mine at the intersection' uh, a car crash.

ujonesy 0

I don't see how going to the DMV ties into the car accident.

ujonesy 0

I meant that I don't see how losing the bank card ties into driving to the DMV.

27 Thanks for serving our country! My brother just joined the army as a Ranger, and I'm joining as well. And I think OP had to go to the DMV to get a new ID.

ok who the f drives "across the street" lol this person deserved it

azhein 0

if didnt lose his wallet he wouldn't be going to the bank or DMV so he wouldn't have that wreck. that's the only reason I can think of to put all that in the fml.

ujonesy 0

I didn't even think about him losing his drivers license which of course would be in his wallet. but he only mentions the debit card not the license so that's why I was confused. my bad. And 32 thank you for the support. it gets stressful and it's nice to see that people are supporting all of us.

smokeymcpottt 3

I find your lack of faith disturbing.

surferchick96 0

and your worried about ur wallet after u killed ur car? somebody has priority problems...

I think the point is that he would not have been there in the first place if they had called sooner

SunshineBoy21 0

I don't think OP was worried about the wallet at that point. I think they were pointing out the irony of the situation, that while they were running errands to replace what was in their wallet and subsequently got into a bad car accident, the theater called to say they found OP's wallet. Get it? ;)

FYLDeep 25

Probably would have been better off if the car was totaled and the guys insurance bought you a new one. That sucks though. Shitty drivers around the DMV I guess.

What if he WAS walking? I'm guessing he'd be pretty sore at the moment.. you know, getting hit by the car and all..

damn if you would have left a little bit later you would have gotten the phone call and wouldn't of had to go anywhere

at lease u werent in it, abd thats y insurance is for quitr bitchin

...right...on her "drive" to the DMV she parked her car at an intersection, got out, and walked the rest of the way and that's when a car crashed into hers -_-

I hate to do this...ok, no I don't. But I feel obligated to use my Idiot-English translation engine: "At least you weren't in it. That's what insurance is for. Quit your bitching." Now that that's our of the way, you're a moron. OP was driving the car and thus was inside it. Idiot.

Wrong place at the wrong time :( I know its hard to see a bright side to any of that, but at least your wallet was found and you won't have to pay for a replacement license and such.