By bigdaddy - 16/07/2009 03:53 - United States

Today, I went out to a nice restaurant with my extended family. It was expensive, and when the bill came, I whispered to my brother, "We may need to make this one a Chew and Screw". When the waitress came back to the table, my five year old son decided to ask aloud "What's Chew and Screw?". FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 223
You deserved it 66 557

Same thing different taste

Top comments

heyyou1203 0

YDI for even thinking about "chewing and screwing!" you do realize that the waitress busts her ass to serve pricks like you and that her entire income is from your tip, right? waitresses get paid like, $2 and hour. I HATES people like you when i waitressed, who thought they were entitled to everything but didn't have to pay.

When around kids, never say anything that you don't want repeating!!! Learn for next time


YDI, even if you were just joking around. That's a form of theft. Idiot, if you go into Best Buy wanting to buy a few DVDs and learn the price is more expensive than you first thought you wouldn't walk out with them, would you? Furthermore, were the prices NOT on the menu when you ordered? You could have just walked out then. That poor waitress doesn't deserve that kind of stuff. Her job sucks badly enough without dealing with complete morons like yourself.

YDI for having the gayest slang ever. Chew and screw? Really? Around here waiters only make ~$2, as others said. I know because I worked in 2 restaurants as a chef and obviously talked to all the waiters.

I absolutely HATE people like you. Go **** yourselves.

ozymandias_fml 0

Might as well check your family into prison, dirtbag.

As a server in the US I can tell you a lot about dining and dashing. First of all, servers in my state do only make $2.13 and hour and a Google search will confirm that few states make much more. Second, many restaurants make the employees pay for people who walk-out on their bill: Red Lobster and Mellow Mushroom to name a couple. Third, the reason the bill was too much in the first place is because they have to factor the cost of dine-and-dashers. Ultimately, if you steal like that (and it is stealing) you are the reason for the inflated prices which in turn makes you everything that is wrong with the US economy. Tipping for good service is 20%, standard service is 15%, and only if you are insulted or neglected should you tip less or not tip at all. Servers are human beings too and not only is a lot out of their control (how long your food takes for instance and whether or not a manager takes care of the meal) but they have bills to pay just like you do. If you can't afford to tip at least 20% for great service you can't afford to eat out PERIOD. If you disagree with the tipping system boycott the restaurant and not the server. When you go to a restaurant you have basically agreed to hire a server and pay them a commission and stiffing them or tipping unfairly is dishonest and selfish business which is a reflection of moral fiber and character. Like I said, if you can't do this simple task then you are everything that is wrong with the American economy.

amen. I hope the waitress spat in the OP's food - I would have.

arienh4 0

"Ultimately, if you steal like that (and it is stealing) you are the reason for the inflated prices which in turn makes you everything that is wrong with the US economy." Don't talk about what you don't know. Inflation is in no way caused by theft. The only thing that causes inflation is having to pay off the debt to the Federal Reserve.

Restaurants and retailers factor in theft and damages into the cost of their products. We the consumers pay for it. It's not a secret or conspiracy theory. It's how it works. Sure, one guy walking out of a restaurant didn't cause layoffs and direct inflation, but it is a small piece of the issue worthy of our attention. And yes, I'm aware of the debt to the FR and all that good (or not so good) stuff and that is the main issue. It's rooted in greed and selfishness, and guess what chewing and screwing might be called? Greed and selfishness.

ozymandias_fml 0

Cowardm -- there is no way in the US you only made $2.13/hour legally. Federal law says you are entitled to wages+tips, not to fall below the *greater* of state or federal minimum wage. Unless you were a server in 1975 or earlier, you were legally entitled to more than that by federal law. If you made less that the minimum it is doubly your own fault -- once for being such a shitty server to receive that little in tips, and the second time for not knowing the law and filling out the 1/2 sheet of paper to get the rest of your money.

samhat 0

you obviously have never worked in a restaurant before. depending on the state, servers make between 2 and three dollars, becasue of the tips. we dont get a paycheck, becasue the wages we earn hourly gets taken out for taxes, so tips are our sole income.

ozymandias_fml 0

samhat -- you obviously have never bothered to look at the federal laws. What you are describing is illegal on a federal level. They need to be insuring you get the wage they are taxing at, for one thing, and for another, the highest stadard withholding rate is 30% -- something that only impacts those making 6 figures a year or more. Unless you fail at filling out your witholding paperwork, there is no way they are witholding $2/hour for a server. Servers in the typical restaurant, even with tips do not make enough that that is a reasonable withholding amount.

You guys are all retarded. Your check comes out to $0 because you're making a ton in tips and paying taxes on it. Get it? Your check is $0 because you used it to pay taxes on those tips you took home? So no, tips aren't you "sole" income. You're not "making" $3 an hour. Learn how your own fkn industry works and stop being an idiot.

sross77162 0

You've obviously never gotten a $40 check from your employer before. I work at a restaurant in Louisiana and my hourly wage is $2.38/hour. I am not making this up. The restaurant does not want to pay me a full wage, therefore they expect the tips to make up for the wage. Tipping is a must, not a thank you for good service. It's not extra, it's to help servers afford LIFE NEEDS like bills and groceries. The Service Industry is the only industry that can use tips to subsidize their minimum wage obligation. Look it up! You are an ignorant, cheap, self-centered jerk. You have no idea what working as a server requires. Don't EVER come into a restaurant because you definitely deserve a McDonald's meal where they get paid $7-$10/hour and can screw everything up. Way to go.

sross77162 0

*sigh* The time was over before I got a chance to edit my post. I hate that! Anyway, ignore that post I just put up. I was just frustrated about people being negative about servers and their jobs. And I didn't fully understand what you were saying until after I had had my rage filled reply written. Sorry for that. I wish I knew how to delete it....

Right, servers make above the regular minimum wage once you factor in tips. The restaurant pays them $2.13 an hour (seriously, I know what I'm talking about, don't be ignorant) and servers make up for the rest in tips. Only if total tips + hourly totals below an average of the regular minimum wage (is that $7 or so?) then the restaurant has to pay regular wages. That said, when you don't tip it does make a difference. It is not a lucrative business, it's just a lucrative business for the type of people that work there (single mothers, college students, young people, etc). At full time with good shifts and steady business (hardly realistic these days) I might make $30k a year, but I work at a decent restaurant. Imagine the Waffle House and Cracker Barrel wait-staff. And don't say if they don't like it they need to get another job. That's as ignorant a statement as any for several reasons. One: it's not that easy to just go get another job and you know it. Two: it's the most depressing job (statistically) so if everyone just "Got another job" you wouldn't have restaurants. Three: if you don't approve of the cultural standards in tipping and wages either lobby to change it or don't take part in it. That doesn't mean don't tip, that means don't eat at restaurants that require tipping. Seriously, if you can afford to go out and buy an entree and soda then you can afford the few bucks it takes to tip. Let's say you get a $10 entree and $2 soda, then throw down three bucks. It won't kill you, but it adds up for the server. It's the RIGHT thing to do. It's also true that paychecks pretty much go to taxes (the 2.13) and cash is the takehome pay. Not that it matters.

@53: The debt is not to the Federal Reserve. Don't talk about what you don't know. It's mostly to foreign countries and people holding US Treasury Bonds.

you are a HUGE asshole. don't out if you can't afford to pay. how is this FML? you decide to steal money from a waitress and you can't, so your life is ******? your sons life is ****** for having an asspie for a dad.

randomoutburst 0

**** you. Skipping out on a bill is the douche-iest thing you could do. In my state, servers make $2.13 an hour and we pay our bills with the tips YOU give us. ****. YOU.

ozymandias_fml 0

No. No you do not. Not legally, anyway. Check my post (#58) for a little more detail on why you are wrong.

I always thought it was stupid that servers were paid less than minimum wage because tips are expected in this country. Tips should be for exceptional service only and expecting someone to depend on them to pay for what they need is crazy. Also, are you my uncle? This sounds like something my redneck branch of the family would do. If you can't afford to go somewhere, DON'T. how hard is that?

ozymandias_fml 0

You get at least minimum wage. You just have to fill out a little paperwork if your tips+wages do not equal minimum wage. The lower minimum wage only applies when your tips+server wage are greater than the standard minimum wage, at least in the US. Besides it is not hard to get decent tips.

samhat 0

You are such an ignorant jerk. go work in a restaurant. id like to see you bust your ass with 6 tables all demanding different things, and needing your full attention. its not easy.

ozymandias_fml 0

The summer I waited tables I did that, easy. For an unskilled laborer, waiting tables is one of the easier jobs out there. You don't even have to bust your ass, and most people will leave 15-20% simply because they think it is expected, or their food would be unclean if they didn't.

Not only are you screwing the waitress, but if you're caught, you'll be arrested. It's considered robbery. YDI.

Wow, your an awfull person. Waiters and waitresses make miniumum wage and most of there incom are tips. Why would you ever do that? I hope karma strikes you back hard. People need to keep there homes, not mentioning there job. If u cant afford it, dont go.