By Eli123 - 01/05/2009 00:52 - United States

Today, I went for a run. I noticed a really hot guy mowing his lawn. I ran a couple of laps past him. After a while, when I slowed down, I smiled at him, and he said, "You look really hot." I thanked him, and he quickly replied, "No, I mean you're sweating a lot." FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 496
You deserved it 51 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, there's nothing sexier than a purple faced panting girl with sweat stains under her arms who keeps circling your house. Gets me hot like nothing else.

halfpass 0

Way to ASSume. Conceited much?


There is nothing conceited about assuming that when a guy says you look hot, he actually thinks you look hot. Why are you people always trying to tell the OP s/he deserved it?

Doesn't necessarily mean he's not into you. Give him another try (sweaty girls are's actually true).

Conceited much? Seriously, what's with all of these "I tried to flirt with this hot guy and made myself look like an ass" FMLs? Just because you think you're super attractive doesn't mean that it's so, or that you're to his tastes. Next time, try acting normally next time instead of like a psycho stalker. And if that doesn't work, your life isn't over. Move on and stop whining about it here. YDI.

??? Since when was it out of the ordinary for guys to say, "You look hot!" and mean it as a compliment? Guys use hot to describe pretty girls all the time, it's not completely out of the question to think it was a compliment.

Yeahhhh, you're full of yourself. You deserved it, Sweaty McConceited.

YES #5!!! you really need to brush up on your flirting skills. You sound like a creeper to me.

My guess is that the man was trying to not sound like a creeper. Flirting/complimenting a random woman jogging... He didn't know you were interested in him? Maybe he thought your thanking his compliment was sarcastic. (Or he was already taken) @#5, actually, yes sweaty exercising women are very attractive. Exercise -> healthy & attractive.

tiltwrestler 0

To OP: Believe it or not, that guy probably WAS flirting with you! Clarification: He didn't mean you were "sexy" kind of hot. However, the "make an observation about the person or the surroundings" is like straight out of "how to talk to a girl 101".... LOL. So if you (the OP) had just given a sexy laugh and remarked about it, and then maybe asked him a question, and kept the conversation going, it might have gone somewhere! ============== And idk about all guys, but for me when i see a girl sweating its not like gross. i mean i might joke about with girls to mess with them, but in reality it shows me that they are working out. and when i work out, i get fit; so naturally, it makes me assume they are working to get fit, which is sexyyy in a way. so this guy might have not been grossed out, and just was flirting with you! ============= With all of that said: Do your running more often! cuz if you run all the time, you are (or at least will) probably looking good. And if you see him or pass him another time, start up a conversation. It might lead somewhere. who knows? ============= Last note to OP: Guys don't start random conversations with girls they are grossed out by. He wouldn't have said that to you about you being sweaty, if he was grossed out. Since guys think with their d*cks, he would have gotten queasy just thinkin about talking to you, if you were grossing him out. So clearly, if he started up a convo out of nowhere, he was probably at LEAST a LITTLE interested.

ihavefeet 0

Except that this whole thing is based on an episode of Weeds...