
By bad sis - 23/09/2019 05:01 - United States - Monterey Park

Today, my family got very upset with me when I advised my brother’s girlfriend to take the kids and leave. They’re more upset with me telling her that, than the fact that my brother is an abusive serial cheater and a raging alcoholic, who hits her and the kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 921
You deserved it 153

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You did the right thing! Your family is just blinded by their love for him. Thank goodness you’re not! I sincerely hope his wife listens to your advice

Good for you, OP. Your family are enablers. Make sure she and the kids are safe first, then address the dysfunction with your family.


You did the right thing! Your family is just blinded by their love for him. Thank goodness you’re not! I sincerely hope his wife listens to your advice

Good for you, OP. Your family are enablers. Make sure she and the kids are safe first, then address the dysfunction with your family.

You did the right thing op, I did the same thing to my dads new wife. That didn’t go down well either 🤷‍♀️ keep your head up, you are a good person.

Sounds like you're the black sheep of your ******-up family. You'd be a white sheep if your family were functional.

You did the right thing. Make sure she documents anything that happens and don't be shy on calling authorities.

OP, this isn't a FML. you have done a good thing or are trying to do a good thing for her. which speaks so many volumes, dont ever feel bad for doing the right thing and dont consider doing the right thing to be a **** my life. its a fml that your family even had that reaction to begin with

LostSoul 19

I would suggest you run from your family also.

would that more people the world were like OP. you gave solid advice to a woman in an abusive relationship, advice meant to save her and her children from being used as punching bags by an asshole. your family's reaction to you doing this says more about them then you.