By paulwatson93 - 17/05/2011 04:28 - United States

Today, I went bowling with some friends. After a few beers I was showing off spinning the ball around on the tip of my finger. One trip to the ER and two crushed nuts later, I've found that mixing alcohol and heavy shiny balls is not a good idea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 358
You deserved it 51 820

Same thing different taste

Top comments


brandybaby1204 0
perdix 29

I put baby powder on my balls to keep them from being shiny. They're still heavy -- yeah, it makes it hard to walk, but the ladies love 'em ;)

If that's the case I've changed my idle viewpoint and agree. Strongly.

loudema 5

wow !!!that's a thing that u should've knew before but it's ok it happens to me sometime

"Today... I was showing off..." YDI.

SteelCladAngel 0

that should have been common sense

Danielt104 6

Did anybody record this and put it on YouTube?

Even the little kiddie bowling balls weight 6 lbs so yea your an idiot for trying