By paulwatson93 - 17/05/2011 04:28 - United States

Today, I went bowling with some friends. After a few beers I was showing off spinning the ball around on the tip of my finger. One trip to the ER and two crushed nuts later, I've found that mixing alcohol and heavy shiny balls is not a good idea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 358
You deserved it 51 821

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I guess it's safe to say that went completely balls-up......

JesterMarcus 0

That's odd, I've never been sent to the ER from a bowling ball and I still know not to spin them on my fingers. God I hope you don't/can't/haven't reproduced.

Sir_Audric 0
lmaoatall 6

for the safety of those around, please don't drink anymore. physics and gravity hates you when you do, and common sense becomes your enemy.

Spinning. A bowling ball... that really doesn't make sense.

sadkiddie 0

Ya next time maybe go play basketball. y'know the type of ball it's actually possible 2 twirl on ur fingers? or idk I'm thinking table tennis might be more your drunken speed..