By Busted - 21/10/2009 21:25 - United States

Today, I was with my boyfriend, and things were getting pretty heated. Trying to be sexy, I told him that every time we touched was a guilty pleasure. He rolled off of me, and said "Oh, you're married too?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 188
You deserved it 4 268

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YoshiTimex3 0

he might be talking bout his past girlfriends 0:

mdanielle 0

No 5, WOW. That's a really sad view of marriage... When I get married it will be because I love my husband more than my own life. I hope someday you'll did that kind of real happiness, not the cheap pleasure that comes from one night stands.


Why would you say it was a guilty pleasure?

lovin_bigsister 0

did u ever think hes not married and neither is she and that she was just trying 2 b sexy!!! and that he had slept with a married woman before wow!!!!maybe yall are just stupid wow!!!!

See the word too? That means in addition to himself. I really doubt he meant in addition to all of the other married cougars he'd banged. Don't you think she would have asked him instead of writing an FML?

Why would you say it was a guilty pleasure?????

1) the OP iznt married 2) the guys the cheating asshole 3) OP-fyl for being with a guy who cheats-u need to tell his wife, BUT ydi if uve been with him for a while and never noticed.

alliewillie 22
polarpaul 0

This sounds like a bad bar joke, if this really happened, then FYL.

YDI why does it have to be a GUILTY pleasure? that's kind of an insult to him!