By silentbutdeadly - 27/04/2009 22:04 - United States

Today, I was watching a movie with my boyfriend. His dog, Baxter, has a bad farting problem. I decided it would be okay to let a silent fart out and blame the dog. Baxter was outside when I blamed him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 995
You deserved it 77 606

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Boyfriend: "Today, I was watching a movie with my girlfriend and she let out a horrible fart. She blamed my dog, Baxter. Baxter was outside at the moment. FML" Baxter: "Today, my owner's girlfriend let out a fart that was worse than mine. FML"


@18, you should probably go create your own FML about how you made yourself look like an idiot who doesn't understand sarcasm.

#71, WIN!!! Silent pants are still preferred in the company of men folk.

wtf are people talking about "Fake. Girls dont fart." All of you are idiots for saying that. Everybody farts. Yes it's unpleasent to fart especially with your boyfriend (this goes for guys too.) nobody likes to hear someone fart, its discusting. but obviously girls do fart, idiots.

what we learn from it? never blame the dog

JackDupp 11

hopefully you didn't leave a skid mark too!! that would really be an FML

"Now this is gonna happen!" *grabs baxter, and punts him off the bridge*

that_guy01 0

Does your boyfriend happen to be Ron Burgundy?