By silentbutdeadly - 27/04/2009 22:04 - United States

Today, I was watching a movie with my boyfriend. His dog, Baxter, has a bad farting problem. I decided it would be okay to let a silent fart out and blame the dog. Baxter was outside when I blamed him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 995
You deserved it 77 606

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Boyfriend: "Today, I was watching a movie with my girlfriend and she let out a horrible fart. She blamed my dog, Baxter. Baxter was outside at the moment. FML" Baxter: "Today, my owner's girlfriend let out a fart that was worse than mine. FML"



MoonlightSonata 0

If a dog has a "bad farting problem", it is being fed incorrectly. So instead of being busy sitting on your ass and blaming the dog for your own farting, have your boyfriend look up on the Internet what to feed a dog with (or have him take the dog to a vet and ask him/her what to feed him). If he can afford quality kibble food, he should buy that. If not, he needs to make sure that whatever home food that dog is being given is not unhealthy and gives the dog all the nutrients he needs.

alyssamarie218 0

you fart! so what? not a big deal...

imthejuggernautt 0

This is a repost with a dog name

the dog knew it and thats why he wnet outside wen u weren't looking. funny tho

Farts are not that bad. They're natural. Everyone farts. Grow up.

lolPayal17 0
that_guy01 0

Yoo hoo! Baxter! Papa's home!