By silentbutdeadly - 27/04/2009 22:04 - United States

Today, I was watching a movie with my boyfriend. His dog, Baxter, has a bad farting problem. I decided it would be okay to let a silent fart out and blame the dog. Baxter was outside when I blamed him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 995
You deserved it 77 606

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Boyfriend: "Today, I was watching a movie with my girlfriend and she let out a horrible fart. She blamed my dog, Baxter. Baxter was outside at the moment. FML" Baxter: "Today, my owner's girlfriend let out a fart that was worse than mine. FML"


I can't blame you for trying. I've held in farts on dates, and it's awful. While easier said then done; I'm becoming a believer in just letting it rip.

amygrl24 0

hahhaha. now that is hilarious.

oingashpoop 0

I think it's sexy when girls fart. :D

#14 ...... have you told your parents that you are gay yet?

Sonfang 19

OHHH so you farted in front of you boyfriend... BIG SCARY DEAL!!! Its fun when you can be relaxed infront of the one you love, get over it and dutch oven him next time! =^_^=

giggleluvr7 0
bugmenotmofo 34

favorited bcuz I've blamed it on the dog before hahhaha