Halloween came early

By umm..WHAT?? - 22/10/2020 14:01 - United States - Pomona

Today, I was sleeping in my bed when I woke up in horror to see that my 34-year-old cousin, who was spending the night, was watching me sleep. Once he noticed that I was awake, he quietly left the room. I told my mom, who then told me not to tell anyone and pretend that it never happened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 601
You deserved it 88

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So many questions! Does your cousin have "issues?" Are you male or female? Why does your mom want to keep it secret? Why are you having sleepovers with weird cousins?

I think you should get a lock for your door and if your mom is telling you not to say anything about it then this isn't the first time he has done something like this. There is some serious red flags a flying here.


So many questions! Does your cousin have "issues?" Are you male or female? Why does your mom want to keep it secret? Why are you having sleepovers with weird cousins?

dragonladiesfire 19

I want a follow up too lol. sooo many questions and not enough answers lol

when and where? I have a bat for the creeper

One of those coronavirus bats for the cousin to eat?

I think you should get a lock for your door and if your mom is telling you not to say anything about it then this isn't the first time he has done something like this. There is some serious red flags a flying here.

ZoeyBeth 9

Um, serious red flags and we need more information, we have a lot of gaps. I hope that you are okay.

Mami 8

i think *someone* watching a lot of ****

Tell EVERYONE in your family, every time you see him. Loudly wonder why he's such a creep. Make your family uncomfortable. "Just pretend it never happened" oh my GOD

crashtestdumplin 16

I almost stabbed my brothers friend for doing the same thing. I always slept with a knife under my pillow, and one day I woke up and he was watching me sleep and I immediately sprang into stabbing mode. But not to worry, no one was harmed.