By Kiimmy - 09/10/2010 14:36 - United States

Today, I was watching a movie. The ending was sad and I started bawling my eyes out. My boyfriend sitting beside me kept looking back and forth between me and the TV, so I asked what he was doing. He replied with, 'I don't know which one is better to watch.' FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 767
You deserved it 27 089

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SmallTownCutie 0

haha he's a funny guy(: keep him around.


dump his ass. if he's that inconsiderate towards your feelings, he's going to be an abusive boyfriend and possibly, husband. he doesn't deserve you.

Agreed with Freeze. It's not like her mom died and her dog left her; it was a movie. A work of fiction.

BTW, don't belittle domestic violence like that. You obviously don't know much about it. -.-

lol wow! where did that psycho-babble come from? how did you get from the op's story to that?

FFML_314 11

Honestly, I can't stand people that talk about physical violence in this way. You have absolutely no clue what you're talking about and you should seriously grow up. Morons.

53 -- you shouldn't jump to conclusions so quickly. |the kid|

Seeing girls cry makes me feel awful inside. It's my ******* cryptonite.

Kiwifruit22 0

i think it's cute, i don't see why it's upsetting. My boy friend and I both always cry in movies.

gaga_fierce 0

How is this an FML? He was just making a joke.

FFML_314 11

You should know that I'm crying like a little bitch right now. Make me a sammich? :(:(

I see the reason this is an FML. When I myself cry, my emotions get out of wack and I can get irritable. So maybe what he said wasn't said at an appropriate time. He should have waited for her to quit crying... THEN say the joke. She would have been more likely to laugh then. By the way, crying at movies doesn't make you a weak little bitch or whatever; emotions aren't a sign of weakness either.