By 2pale - 01/11/2015 18:22 - United States - Humble

Today, after years of difficulty, I finally found the perfect shade of foundation that matches my ultra-pale complexion. It's called "Death Flesh." FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 477
You deserved it 2 353

Same thing different taste

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For what it's worth, super pale skin is a coveted feature in many parts of the world. There are even bleaching creams to achieve it. You are you, and things that you may find ugly about yourself may be the very thing that others think make you beautiful.

Hpixiee 23

what the heck kinda foundation you using?


Well Halloween was just 3 days ago. So for the rest of this month people will just think you are still in the Halloween spirit.

ProximityToDeath 20

I know how you feel. I always either feel like a ghost or snow white, especially in the winter or when wearing red lipstick.

I know how you feel op. I have really pale skin and it's hard to find a foundation that doesn't make my skin orangey. I found the lightest shade of Cover Fx pretty good (N10 I think) and you can get it at some drugstores. It's really really pale. I also found a great foundation from It Cosmetics in Fair. It cosmetics can be ordered on their website or on the shopping channel (I think it's called qvc or something in the states). It's called O2 foundation and it's really airy and light but covers well.

For what it's worth, super pale skin is a coveted feature in many parts of the world. There are even bleaching creams to achieve it. You are you, and things that you may find ugly about yourself may be the very thing that others think make you beautiful.

As a fan of pale skin, I've gotta say things could be far worse than wearing foundation with a humorous name.

I couldn't use the skin products when I lived in South Korea because most of them have bleaching agents in them, and I didn't read Hangul to tell which ones didn't. Any time I went outside I always got told how pretty my skin was, and how they wished they had my skin. (The latter part could sound really creepy in broken English, let me tell you.) Be proud of being pale, OP!

I'm pale and proud. When I was in China, it was so odd to have people compliment my skin tone. I live in Southern California, and people here aren't always as gracious. I get people asking if I'm ill, telling me I'm too pasty and I need color, calling me a ghost. I've had people I barely know buy me gift certificates for tanning salons. Luckily, I have pretty thick skin for someone who's practically see-through. I'm okay with my skin, so everyone else can deal.

It's so ridiculous when people say that you need color and your skin to look healthy. Tanned skin is sunburnt skin is damaged skin.

I hate my pale skin and always will... and that made it worse.fyl op

It can be always be a bit tricky trying to find a shade that not only matches your skin but also covers it as well. At least now, you have a foundation that will work better, even with name like that!

The perfect foundation is hard to find no matter what your shade. You want something that covers really well, but feels light and airy, but is also long lasting and waterproof/sweat proof in the summers (high humidity where I live). It's not easy to find that perfect foundation. Especially at a cheap price!