By brhorton02 - 06/04/2009 14:42 - United States

Today, I was waitering at the restaurant that I work at when I collected a credit card bill that was worth $120 and a big zero on the tip line. Angered, I turned to a co-worker and said "I knew this asshole wasn't going to tip me." The guy was standing right behind me with $30 in his hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 480
You deserved it 166 676

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That was stupid. Plenty of people pay tips with cash instead, myself included.

I hope he threw the money in your face. Ha, no I don't. I hope he gave the money to your co-worker.


OMG shut up until he's gone, and check the table. Seriously.

Curtieeeez 0

I hope you didn't get the $30.

You're an idot for not waiting until they were gone. However, I think a lot of people on here don't realize that most of a waitresses salary comes from tips, and saying she doesn't deserve the tip would be the same as your boss not paying you for a few hours if they heard you make a complaint on the job.

What, you've never received a cash tip? Bad form. I hope you learned your lesson.

AntiChrist7 0

1) wait untill your customers were gone 2) were in the law it says we have to give tips? YDI

TryToBeKind 0

I hope he smiled, extended the money, and then snatched it back. Personally I see no point in tipping anymore than $2. That brings you up to close to minimum wage anyway and there are other tables - if eveyone tipped that much, you'd still make an average of minimum wage per hour. Big effing deal. It's not like your serving tables for the $.

Well, I hope he didn't tip you then, I am one of those people that pay with their credit card, but will leave a tip in cash... It just makes sense to do that. There would be no reason for someone to have to wait for a tip to clean from my checking account, or something like that... Also, if you're going to talk trash make sure the people aren't around you next time, you have poor forward thinking.

Not even one person on this whole ******* planet has to tip you. It's a privilege. When they don't want to tip you it is their choise..... Apperantly you think everyone has to tip you for serving.... **** of will ya

He was generous, since tips are usually 10% of the bill, he shouldve gave you like 12.