By brhorton02 - 06/04/2009 14:42 - United States

Today, I was waitering at the restaurant that I work at when I collected a credit card bill that was worth $120 and a big zero on the tip line. Angered, I turned to a co-worker and said "I knew this asshole wasn't going to tip me." The guy was standing right behind me with $30 in his hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 480
You deserved it 166 676

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That was stupid. Plenty of people pay tips with cash instead, myself included.

I hope he threw the money in your face. Ha, no I don't. I hope he gave the money to your co-worker.


I'm sorry, but to the person who said 'even if i'm feeling ignored 10% is the minimum I'd tip'.... you're an idiot. You claim it's 'expected' - well what I expect, if I'm going to leave a tip, is good service. Believe it or not, it's not the customer's job to pay your wages in the service industry - if you want to be pissed off at someone for being underpayed, be pissed off at the owners. And yes, I work in the service industry too. Of course when you get used to tips, you feel disappointment when you don't get one - especially if you've gone above & beyond the call of duty. However, no matter what anyone says, it is NOT an obligation, especially for mediocre or bad service. And from what this guy posted... it can't have been that good.

The comments section here make me never want to become a waitress...=/ I never knew there were so many people out there who have something against tipping... I always tip well when I eat out. My dad does too, and I know that people remember good tippers, and do their best to provide them with excelent service whenever they come in.

Trix_Disorder 20

I always tip with cash... then the waiter/waitress doesn't have to declare taxes on it if they don't want to, or split it with the rest of the floor. I used to wait tables.

Trix_Disorder 20

@ #113 Is it possible that English isn't their first language? Don't jump to conclusions.

chop_buster 0

At #118:: Is it possible it isn't yours? ANYONE that has served in their life knows that it's serving, or even "waiting." Hell, they made a movie about it. Chops busted.

But the question is, why did he bother to write the zero on the bill? If he wanted to tip you in person, he might as well have left it blank, no? So not entirely your fault.

TaylorKopacz 13

you don't want to leave it blank because the waiter/waitress could easily write any number they wanted in that space. I always write zero if I'm tipping in cash. I just make sure to tell my server that I tipped cash or that I'm tipping cash

#34, I don't eat out a lot because I don't have the budget for it, but when I do, the lowest I'll go is 20%, and I go by the end total which includes tax (which, I think I read you're not supposed to include when calculating the tip, but I do it anyway). When I took my mom out to lunch a couple of years ago for Mother's Day, I tipped my server a third of the check because the service was beyond excellent. #104, I pretty much share your philosophy and tip a similar amount. I rarely eat out, but when I do, I like it to be a pleasant experience for me AND my server, so I'm nice and don't make insane demands/substitutions/etc. I've only had a couple instances where the service was less than satisfactory, but I still didn't skimp on the tip. I mean, people are allowed to have bad days, so I try not to judge one day's service as the absolute benchmark for that particular person's serving skills. OP... Time and place, dude. Bitch about your customers on your own time and maybe wait until the customer has actually left the restaurant before you start your bitching. I hope he reduced your tip, if you even took it (or if he didn't rightfully walk out with it) after your behavior.

monkie787 0

I have been a server for three years. where i work we dont split our tips, meaning that i keep what I earn and dont split it with the shitty servers. However i only make two dollars an hour on my pay check. the company does make up for the money if i dont make minimum wage, but if it happens more than three times they fire you for being a shitty server. Its fair i think because we then have decent servers who keep our business going. But there are a lot of assholes who make you run your ass off for them like they are the only person on the earth (when you have twenty other customers) and then they dont tip you. wonder why they get treated like shit the next time

this toatlly is a 'FML' moment buttttttttttt YDI and that poor guy, u shouldnt b so quick to judge