By Gary - 16/07/2019 20:30

Today, after countless failed rejections and derision from women, I've realized that the only time I experience any sort of happiness is when I'm eating. They say there's someone out there for all of us, but maybe that's not true. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 648
You deserved it 274

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Watch yourself, homie. The world doesn't need another incel. Remember, good things come to those who wait.

You need to start loving yourself before you can be loved by someone else. Or at least that’s what they tell us women, and maybe they’re right?


You need to start loving yourself before you can be loved by someone else. Or at least that’s what they tell us women, and maybe they’re right?

Watch yourself, homie. The world doesn't need another incel. Remember, good things come to those who wait.

Evidently, “someone” is named Pizza, in your case. Lots of women don’t stack up favorably against pizza — you’re not the world’s biggest loser.

my uncle had a wife named pizza! might be hope for him after all 😂 lmao

minkyrose 1

Relationships are hard. To blame anyone but yourself will only make things worse for you. Try to do things you really enjoy. Once you find you love yourself, another will too.

You're probably going after the wrong women. A lot of people think they know who the want or what they're looking for, but often times that "right" match isn't what you thought it should be.

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

well your someone is food and it is out there

Stop looking so hard. Live your life, make yourself happy, then someone will come along out of nowhere, completely unexpected. Give it time. It will happen on its own.

Dude-time to go for the phone-a-friend option. You sound depressed—there are plenty of things out there that can help you.

So why don't you take some classes and make cooking a hobby? That'll introduce you to some new people, and while you may not find romance, you will probably make friends and have relationships you want in your life.