By TuralSucks - 11/03/2009 01:10 - United States

Today, I was the only one in an elevator when an attractive girl came in, talking on her phone. She told her friend, "I have to go, there's a cute guy on this elevator." Before I could even react, she turned to me and said, "Sorry for lying, I really wanted to get off the phone with her." FML
I agree, your life sucks 271 403
You deserved it 17 950

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would have released a huge sigh of relief, maybe adding a 'thanks goodness', just to make her paranoid.

zidane312 0

man, he didnt have to go that far.... could have least been nice


._. does the connectivity run even if you're in an elevator? sorry, i'm not so sure about it D:

Ha. sucks for you, but she could still probably think your cute? Just didnt want to like sound weird by saying your cute like right when she sees your or something? Idk. there is hope though... haha

howdy_dbag 0

ouch, harsh, but i also have to agree with #8, well worded. I am sorry it insulted you, but I am happy you posted it bc its hilarious

u should have stop the elevator and raped her

AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAA, SORRY ('= That is hilarious, and ****** up ('= HAHAHAHAHAHHA (so sorry for laughing. and typing that I'm laughing. because I could've said that I'm not laughing. But I am..)

mama2b3 20

ouch. give her a nod then pull out your phone and say "hey thanks for picking up, there's an unattractive girl in this elevator I didn't wanna talk to." lol somethin like that

Peytonlikesme 0