Waiting for a Xmas miracle

By Anonymous - 25/12/2022 12:00 - Australia

Today, I'm in agony. I can't eat or drink anything without being in pain, including water. Doctors don't know what's wrong with me, and can only prescribe me painkillers I can only take 3 times a day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 967
You deserved it 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Does this come with nausea? Did they do the pressure test thing where they slowly press down on your abdomen and release it when you’re not expecting it? My mom had that and spent the better part of a week in the hospital

Marcella1016 31

Well? What was the diagnosis??!


Does this come with nausea? Did they do the pressure test thing where they slowly press down on your abdomen and release it when you’re not expecting it? My mom had that and spent the better part of a week in the hospital

Marcella1016 31

Well? What was the diagnosis??!

Sounds like rabies. That’s why it used to be called hydrophobia.

Marcella1016 31

I believe the hydrophobia comes because your body forgets how to swallow - so every time you try to drink, you basically end up choking. So you develop an associated fear with it. It’s not a “pain after drinking it” thing. And from what I’ve read, going through the (7?) stages of rabies leading to death is one of the most excruciating, terrifying ways to go. I saw a video recently of them trying to give a man water who had rabies and it was...unpleasant to watch. I hope OP doesn’t have rabies, although that’s extremely unlikely. OP, hope you and the docs get it all figured out and you get better! Please come back here and updates us with what you find!