By TuralSucks - 11/03/2009 01:10 - United States

Today, I was the only one in an elevator when an attractive girl came in, talking on her phone. She told her friend, "I have to go, there's a cute guy on this elevator." Before I could even react, she turned to me and said, "Sorry for lying, I really wanted to get off the phone with her." FML
I agree, your life sucks 271 403
You deserved it 17 950

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would have released a huge sigh of relief, maybe adding a 'thanks goodness', just to make her paranoid.

zidane312 0

man, he didnt have to go that far.... could have least been nice


i dont care what anybody say. #19 gave the best solution. how great would that be. funny stuff

sarasarasarasara 0

she's just rude. You should have said "Few, I was worried that you were going to try it on then!"

Please, you people all read the situation wrong. Of course she'd try to diffuse the situation a little bit. Don't you think she would be presuming a little much to hang up and flirt heavily with you? What if you were, for example, married? She was just trying to make you feel comfortable. Truth be told, that's a stupid excuse -- she could have just as easily said: "I'm getting into an elevator, I'll have to call you later." She clearly just said what was on her mind as she walked in. It doesn't take a genius to turn that situation around and capitalize!

Lmao, yeah, I would've thrown in something like "Don't flatter yourself" or "Really? I couldn't help but notice you eyeballing me"

Yeah you should have raped her to teach her to mess with your head. Just kidding, but not really.

lol, that would have been a good time to try out some of those "fun things to do on an elevator" lists...

That's so something I would have said!!! lol

#38, you took the words right out of my mouth.

futuremarine246 0

if you had a witty comeback you would have looked cool

ziqi92 0

wonderful way to start a conversation. she meant no harm, i hope.