By Anonymous - 04/11/2013 11:39

Today, I was telling my friends a story. I added a few "embellishments" to make it more intense. One my friends piped up with, "I was with you, half of what you just said wasn't true". It's now all over Facebook and I'm known as "The Bullshitter". FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 067
You deserved it 71 957

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you lie?! Especially around someone that was with you??


You should think things out before you speak.

That's why you make sure no one who was there is there when when you tell the story... Dumbass

"I lied to my friends in front of one friend who was actually present for the event I was talking about. Now they are telling everyone what a big liar I am. I'm upset by this even though it is true."

At least they gave you a fitting name.

macironicheez 7

Sentence enhancers *dolphin sounds*

We both know you got that black eye from a toothpaste tube.