By Anonymous - 04/11/2013 11:39

Today, I was telling my friends a story. I added a few "embellishments" to make it more intense. One my friends piped up with, "I was with you, half of what you just said wasn't true". It's now all over Facebook and I'm known as "The Bullshitter". FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 067
You deserved it 71 957

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you lie?! Especially around someone that was with you??


This a lesson that one can only learn growing up in a christian family : if you have to lie, at least don't get caught.

pazuzus_intern 10

Is that supposed to be a joke?

SuperMew 22

The problem with embellishing and lying is that it becomes addictive. You look cooler, people like your stories more, and so you continue doing it. Then someone calls you on your shit and your reputation is ruined.

A good friend would have gone with it and added their own embellishments. Sounds like you need new friends.

You should have convinced your friend she has memory loss

A few "embellishments" wouldn't make "half of what you said not true"

Now they're all going to question you're stories bet you regret that don't lie

So... You lied, everyone found out that you lied, and now you expect sympathy for being known as a liar? No, you thoroughly deserved it.

VoodooPriestess 16

There is a difference between embellishment and lying. With embellishment, what you said did happen probably just more exaggerated. So with the '. . .half of what you said wasn't true. . .' Though you can argue you didn't remember well and filled in the blanks with a dream because you were telling this story to someone who was there.