By ugly - 11/06/2012 12:01 - Australia

Today, I was telling my best friend that I was feeling unattractive, and that I never get asked out. As she was trying to make me feel better, we were interrupted by a stranger trying to hit on her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 474
You deserved it 3 583

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31

That's when you busted a move and asked the stranger out, right? Right??? Take control of your destiny.

Is feeling attractive the only thing people strive for these days?


You dont need to be asked out... Realtionships are full of drama.Trust.

HollyViolette 5

You're fine the way you are :)

I love my girlfriend to death and think she is one of the sexiest women in the world, but that has very little to do with her looks. Sure, I like the way she looks too, but I love her because of who she is. The kind of person you are is more important your physical appearance.

RedPillSucks 31

Unfortunately, looks are the bait on the hook that's used to reel in the relationship. They can't find out what your personality is like if they're turned off by your looks. Many people wont make the attempt to create a deeper relationship, so OP needs to make the move and create something instead of passively waiting for the white knight.

OP, you probably just don't put yourself out there as much as you'd like. But if you think about it, you're relying on your personality and not looks, it's a douche filter :) also, many guys like shy girls (because they're not so shy when they "uncover" their true identities ;) )

Don't look at the things that you feel are unattractive look at the things you think are beautiful about yourself!! :)

Confidence, OP. Confidence is the charasteristic that makes even the most ugly people handsome.

jacquesromualdez 12

Don't wanna ruin this but I think confidence starts with self-esteem right? Or they both share the same meaning.

Not really. Confidence can be faked easily and can sometimes be bolstered by external events. Your self-image is based on what you choose to believe about yourself.

Yeah, not really. I would love to be self confident and believe in myself, but there's no way to choose to feel better. I certainly didn't choose to feel shit about myself.

Are you somewhere in the 13 - 19 year old range, #123? Self-image is how you feel about yourself. You can only look at the negative and constantly pick yourself apart or you can think of the good things about yourself. You *are* making a choice, even if it's not consciously. You may be predisposed to being a negative person but you can absolutely decide to improve yourself.

This is why I only surround myself with ugly people.

fishboy123 7

#70. your cute ;) wanna go out?

Chandler1Bing 0

Patrick: "Once there was an ugly barnacle. He was so ugly that everyone died. The end." Think he was referring to you?

Know that feeling. Everywhere I look people are in relationships and I'm still waiting. Looking doesn't work for me.