By ugly - 11/06/2012 12:01 - Australia

Today, I was telling my best friend that I was feeling unattractive, and that I never get asked out. As she was trying to make me feel better, we were interrupted by a stranger trying to hit on her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 474
You deserved it 3 583

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31

That's when you busted a move and asked the stranger out, right? Right??? Take control of your destiny.

Is feeling attractive the only thing people strive for these days?


I live in Australia there are to many attention seeking girls like you maybe stop being one and someone will ask you out.

I feel bad for the guys in the single scene of todays generation in Australia. A lot of girls around here are absolute princesses, and offer very little themselves. It's really quite sad, but eventually they will hit their late 20's/early 30's...

A good 80% of attractiveness is in attitude and preparation. There are plenty if technically unattractive people that get lots of attention because of how they present themselves. Ask your friend for a makeover and some flirting lessons.

I understand you babe, its a rough life but no worries your time will come, everything happends for a reason :) chin up

Wayne913 13

Lots of guys would say yes if you asked. Just open yourself up.

I don't see why people these days think that the guy MUST ask out the girl, and vice versa is frowned upon. If you like anyone, just go up to them and ask them out. Don't worry about what anyone else says :)

Don't worry about what other people think their opinions do not matter you are beautiful in every way shape and form. Don't let things like that get you down. There is a man who is just dying to spend the rest of their life with you. You need to go out and find him though things won't always come to you.

Hey don't worry about it! Being "unattractive", if thats what you call it, just means that there is a special guy out there for you. One that will be head over heels in love with you:) and also remember: eveything works out in the end. If it's not working out, it's not the end!