By Savy - 13/02/2017 12:00 - United States - Mesa

Today, I was tailgated by a car with his high beams on for an hour. Any time I changed my speed or lane, he would do the same. I finally managed to get away from him because a cop pulled me over and gave me a speeding ticket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 115
You deserved it 912

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Usually if you decide to drive well below the speed limit, they will pass you. Otherwise, you should just pull over give them little choice. If they pull over with you, then you can call the police and let them know you have a car following you that seems hostile and will not stop harassing you. Then they will get pulled over and you win.

shortcake563 21

should have just break checked. that's what I do if someone keeps riding my bumper they normally back off then


MidnightMusic53 37

You may be able to fight the ticket in court and explain why you were speeding. I don't think it's fair that the driver behind you was allowed to tailgate with no repercussions, as he very well could have injured or killed you if you had to brake in an emergency. If this ever happens again, dial 911 and try to give them a plate and description so you don't get into trouble.

Whenever I'm tailgated I slow down by at least 10 kph. I'll also wave my hand backwards if they keep doing it. I have zero interest in being rear ended by someone who doesn't know how to drive.

Better than kidnapping or death, count your blessings.

leogachi 15

Being tailgated isn't a blessing just because it didn't end as horribly as it could have.

ohsnapword 21

In that situation, I normally slam on by brakes. Especially if it's a BMW or Mercedes.

YDI, in the eyes of the law nobody but yourself makes you speed and if you didn't pull over you are the one being a jerk. It's actually a law in other countries to pull over when somebody wants to go faster than you it's just safer and smarter. If they want to drive insanely fast then let them they'll get the ticket or the accident, don't let them bring you down with them because you're stubborn.

Replying to my own comment because I forgot the part where you said you switch lanes. My bad. I agree with the person who said to pull over and call the cops if they did too. That guy is an asshole

Youngg920 0

why didn't you just pull off to the shoulder of the road? I'm sure with one whole hour of driving there had to be room to pull over

mrswombat 16

This happened to me once and I finally just pulled over. Guess who pulled over behind me to check that I was sober? The cop car that was being a douche with his brights on my ass.

If someone was tailgating for me for an hour, whether or not their high beams were on or not, I would have driven myself to the nearest police station. That is rather sketchy to be followed around for that long and to make sure, take a detour and back to the same place you were a few minutes ago. If the driver is still following you then, definitely head to the nearest police station because they are obviously following you for a certain reason.

InsomiacZombie 5

Fyl, that sucks shoulda just locked up your brakes on the douche bag thats what i woulda done like everyone else said. Pulling over can cause some problems but if you carry then no worries.