By jack the ripped - 30/04/2016 04:38 - United States

Today, while examining my busted nose in the mirror, I had a sneeze attack. Now it looks like someone got their throat slashed in my bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 109
You deserved it 1 471

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is that the cover up story OP? Is there something else you'd like to share with us...


the rash linging, the sash bringing, the trash singing... yes. the hash slinging slasher

Depending on how long ago your nose was busted, might want to go get it checked out by a doctor to make sure there's no permanent damage.

Now how did you break your nose?

Is that the cover up story OP? Is there something else you'd like to share with us...

It was his hat Mr. Krabs! He was number one!

For a second I thought you were about to say "it looked like someone just lost a nose instead"... Wheew!

I think we have a real life Dexter in our midst...

FellFrmSky 8

At least you didn't smack your nose into the mirror (whilst sneezing) and spew even more blood. It's those little things we have to be grateful for...

Is it just me or does a sneeze attack with a broken nose sound like it hurts like hell?