By erockinthesuburb - 11/04/2012 16:25 - United States - Algonquin

Today, I was stopped and searched by a cop, and he quickly found the bag of weed in my pocket. He didn't arrest or fine me, but he did confiscate my weed and told me to "get lost." Pretty sure I just got legally mugged. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 925
You deserved it 41 923

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shouldn't of had it in the first place... You got lucky kid.

blazeheartsmythe - If you truly believe that marijuana is harmless, all that tells me is that the pot has already rotted your brain. Instead of blindly railing at people who DARE to insult your precious weed, try doing some ACTUAL ******* MEDICAL RESEARCH. Oh wait, I have to assume that you're too brain dead to do that yourself. Well fortunately I've done it for you. Marijuana has been shown to cause chronic bronchitis, increases the risk of anxiety and depression, and it suppresses the immune system, making you more prone to infections. It also is linked to membranous glomerulonephritis, coronary vasospasm, emphysema, and spontaneous pneumothorax. This is not anectodal evidence, idiot. These are respected medical journals which I read and you DON'T. I promise you, don't **** with me when it comes to actual medical information, because I guarantee you WILL LOSE.


apbunome1 0

U got caught with weed be happy ur not getting ur ass raped in jail

thefuckinloser 6

i bet it was small piss ass amount it was not worth the paper work to bring you in

apbunome1 0

That is not willy Wonka that is Alice in wonderland

Legally mugged? I would have said you caught a lucky break.

When's the last time some guy got shot trying to buy weed? How about when they go on a trip and injure themselves or others? Explain to me that, you weed supporters

I'm pretty sure that's called "doing your sorry ass a favor." You're an idiot if you think this was an FML moment.

lovebeecharmer 6

He didn't want to do the paperwork xD