Boys will be boys

By Anonymous - 20/12/2021 04:59

Today, my boys get in so much trouble, I don’t even bother checking on them anymore. Instead, every ten minutes, I yell up the stairs to stop whatever they’re doing, and every time without fail they guiltily apologise and try to blame each other/promise to fix it/swear not to do it again. EVERY TIME. FML
I agree, your life sucks 463
You deserved it 943

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like you need a new parenting approach.

Parenting is not a job that can be done half-assed. Discipline them properly.


Sounds like you need a new parenting approach.

Parenting is not a job that can be done half-assed. Discipline them properly.

And you don't realize they have learned to play the game.

randybryant799 20

And you call yourself a parent???

wysegirl 24

Umm... be the parent and go to some parenting classes. They exist because some people need some extra help. Check with your local parenting center and see what they offer.

Well, if you've stopped trying, you totally deserve whatever happens. That is NOT how you parent. This coming from someone who has absolutely no kids and doesn't even want them...