Cat Mojo

By Me. - 10/05/2023 17:00 - United States

Today, my cat has always been rather antisocial, but after his first trip to the vet since getting fixed, he's become talkative, clingy, and goofy. I'd enjoy it, if not for the fact that he's nearly hurt himself several times because he keeps doing stupid shit. He might need to go back to the vet at this rate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 625
You deserved it 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments

he's being clingy because he wants to be soathed.

Do you mean asocial? Antisocial means he's homicidal. So, what are you gonna do? Have his balls reattached?


he's being clingy because he wants to be soathed.

Do you mean asocial? Antisocial means he's homicidal. So, what are you gonna do? Have his balls reattached?

Are you sure there wasn't a mix-up at the vet?