By Damn - 06/12/2016 20:12

Today, I applied online for a position and typed, "OH&S Certificate." It autocorrected to, "OH&SHIT Certificate." I didn't notice until the site e-mailed me a copy of my completed application. They'd already received it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 071
You deserved it 2 039

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"We only require Occupational Health & Safety certification, but you've gone above and beyond with Occupational Health & Safety Household Internationalization Technology certification! You're hired!"

I have the opposite problem with autocorrect. ****, shit and bitch keep changing into duck, shot and botch. Duck you phone, stop censoring me.


That actually makes sense. I'm sure you probably said both of those words when you saw that. I would have.

Well hopefully they have a sense of humor and if you get a chance to explain it won't be too much of a disaster. I bet that really was an "OH&SHIT" moment for you OP.

All I can say is Oh&shit did you get the job... I'd hire you.

Does this qualify as a shitty situation? I want to say yes, but I'm still just a tad uncertain.

awildwhisper 30

I guess you could send an apology email and hopefully they think the mistake is funny.

Just tell them you're certified to handle any emergency

"We only require Occupational Health & Safety certification, but you've gone above and beyond with Occupational Health & Safety Household Internationalization Technology certification! You're hired!"

I have the opposite problem with autocorrect. ****, shit and bitch keep changing into duck, shot and botch. Duck you phone, stop censoring me.

Would've been even funnier if you ended it with... Duck you phone, you piece of shot botch!

But my phone brings the Internet with me wherever I go, I could never be THAT mean to it.

Duck my ducking phone and duck it all. I don't give a ship anymore!!