By Missy - 09/09/2009 20:16 - United States

Today, I was sitting on a park bench with my very elderly grandfather while listening to music at a low volume. Suddenly, he turned to me and said very loudly, "I DIDN'T KNOW YOU HAD AIDS!" I received strange looks from everyone because he mistook my ear buds for a hearing aid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 938
You deserved it 4 616

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol a classic "grandpa" moment, you'll laugh about it later :)


xero_art 0

ydi for listeneing to headphones while with your grandpa....atleast take the one out nearest your grandpa

gigi37 0

I totally agree with you 24. Even if you see him all the time, OP, it's still plain rude to listen to music while around someone else.

That's what I was thinking too I have a feeling grandpa was trying to embarrass OP for being rude

Totally DESERVED for being rude to grandpa!!

I agree 100% It's rude to have earphones in and listening to music while you're with ANYONE, but especially a grandparent? Good lord.

Oh no! Random people I don't even know think I have Aids! What ever will I do!?

lol awh. you gotta love old people. i wouldn't worry about it. you'll probably never see those people again.

Ha my first though was 'WTF what a random thing to say' until I read the comments and realized what he meant

Way to admit in a public forum, that will be on the internet forever, that you're slow!!!

justjayit 0

LOL! That's so cute in an old-grandpa way :D

kmoney66 0

Wy wernt u talking to ur grandpa show sum respect

loveurlifeJK 5

This FML sums up why I love old people. They're so out of it. Heh. Sucks for you, OP. (P.S. Can I have your grandpa? Mine sucks.)