OK Shaggy

By Anonymous - 26/03/2021 03:01 - United States - Randolph

Today, I was pumping gas at a gas station. An attractive woman walked by and the guy pumping gas behind me did a whistle/catcall to her. She then looked at me and gave me a disgusted look. I didn't even try to hit on a girl, and still got rejected. FML
I agree, your life sucks 933
You deserved it 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You don’t know either of them - the idiot guy or the annoyed pretty woman. Let it go, you are only responsible for what you do or say.

tounces7 27

What would be hilarious is if the guy who actually whistled came over to "comfort" her and talk about how disgusting men are, and she ended up dating him. Because frankly the way she instantly assumed it was you and then gave you a disgusted look means she doesn't deserve any better than a shitbag like that.


You don’t know either of them - the idiot guy or the annoyed pretty woman. Let it go, you are only responsible for what you do or say.

tounces7 27

What would be hilarious is if the guy who actually whistled came over to "comfort" her and talk about how disgusting men are, and she ended up dating him. Because frankly the way she instantly assumed it was you and then gave you a disgusted look means she doesn't deserve any better than a shitbag like that.

Catcalling isn't "hitting on" a girl.

You weren't rejected. She made a mistake, and thought you were the creep catcalling her. She was wrong, but it would have been tough for you to prove it was the other guy. You'll have to keep on keepin' on.