By Twysted91 - 28/12/2014 03:50 - United States - Milford

Today, I was rushed to the emergency room in crippling pain, thanks to a very dangerous cluster of cysts on my ovaries that could rupture at any time. My boyfriend took this news as my way of denying him sex and broke up with me for "going to obscene lengths" to emasculate him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 957
You deserved it 3 195

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Teddzz 19

You shouldn't even be talking to an extremely ignorant jerk like that who apparently only cares about sex.

He seems to be a ******* idiot. Try not to feel too sad over someone that's so self centered and only thinks about sex. I really hope you're okay xoxo


Your ex-boyfriend is a jerk. Hope you get better soon.

gobiteme2 34

Sounds like an idiot. He emasculated himself hopefully they turn blue and fall off

Ur better off OP. Wat a ******* dick. I have reoccurring cysts n adhesions on top of endo. it's no excuse n it hurts like hell. u deserve better. He isn't even a man if he can't b next t u.

FoQua 1

You shouldn't be dating such a giant douche bag. It's your own fault.

Yay ! You got a free Jerkectomy - most of us have to pay dearly for those. Good riddance to stupid rubbish, and I hope you're feeling better soon. I had a cyst the size of a melon removed, and like most women, I'd rather have the most boring sex on the planet than go through that again. Hope your next boyfriend has a brain instead of a constantly needy d*ck.

That happened to me recently only I didn't know I had them. One burst and I went in thinking it was appendicitis! Very painful and I'm so sorry your ex-boyfriend made it even more painful for you. I know everyone says this but obviously you're better off without him if he's going to be a grade A jerk and make your problems about himself. Hope you feel better, OP!

If I was you I would've kicked that guy so hard in the crotch that he would get an instant sex change. What an egocentric asshole!

I feel your pain OP, I too have PCOS. It sucks :( hopefully it gets better and your next by will be more understanding.