Not now, 2020

By Anonymous - 21/09/2020 17:02 - United States

Today, I found out I have endometriosis… Which doesn't mix well with a horny boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 379
You deserved it 127

Same thing different taste

Top comments

time for a talk. there's other things you can do together and as long you can comprise with each other hopefully things can work out.

angeleyes0724 10

Birth control. As someone who has endo and PCOS birth control has probably saved my sanity and life. I would definitely talk to your doctor.


time for a talk. there's other things you can do together and as long you can comprise with each other hopefully things can work out.

I feel your pain. Guys will never understand. I had it and you have my sympathy.

It'd be ok if he had a tiny dick. Think about it.

angeleyes0724 10

Birth control. As someone who has endo and PCOS birth control has probably saved my sanity and life. I would definitely talk to your doctor.

Amandalyn Riley 5

I have Endo also, talk with your dr. There are options to help with the pain!! Or tell him to find other options for you guys to try.. I'm sorry you are going through this :'(