By EricCartman - 20/05/2009 03:31 - United States

Today, I was riding the bus home from school. I was sitting by myself, and my backpack was occupying the seat next to me. A hot girl boarded the bus, and was standing right where I was sitting. I placed my backpack on my lap, freeing up the seat. The girl stood the entire bus ride. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 601
You deserved it 6 450

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GloomySkyz 0

If nobody has realized from reading all these FMLs yet, Its the really stuck up popular girls that do this kinda stuff. Spending the rest of your life with her or a part of it would be a bitch.


namelessfew 0

Maybe she didn't even notice.

maybe its because of where you put the bag, she was probably assuming the worst...

Don't take it personally. You probably just smell bad.

pretty sure every FML ever has "proceeded" in it.... how bout some new words... or just leave it out completely. I put my backpack on the seat works just as well.... to be you mate

bco12 0

i'm a fairly attractive 19yr old chick and i'd rather stand than sit with some stranger. wow that makes me sound like an antisocial freak lol.

FriesWithASideOf 0

Makes you sound like this bitch in the FML as well.

Zak3nnay0 0

Dayum.. On your lap? sheeshkabob! That just seems nerdy and awkward, not even referring to the possible allusion of an enlarged 5th limb. Just leave the bag at your feet all the time, unless you don't want the spot to be taken. True though, perhaps you'll get a guy with bad b/o..

really this isn't an fml at all. i can promise you it wasn't personal, especially if she didn't sit down anywhere else when someone got up. i usually stand unless there's two seats on their own cause i don't like sitting next to people i don't know.

Juno_fml 0

But would you have done it for an ugly chick? I somehow think not.

I do that all the time, just to be polite. More often than not they just want to stand, and that's fine with me. Not really an FML